
Food4Skin 21 : ElsheSkin (SPONSORED)

Hi guys! I am very excited for today's post because it's once again about products that have been working wonderfully for my skin - it's always a lot energizing to write about something that you actually like okay! So the products that i am going to share my experiences with you today are from a local brand that has been taking the local...

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Basic-O-Base 12 : Madeca 21 Tecasol No Sebum Pact (SPONSORED)

Hey guys! I know i have quite a lot of international readers (ahem), but i think i can safely assume that most of my readers are from Indonesia like. As people who lives in a very tropical country with high humidity level, lots of us have oily skin and big pores. Ofc, there are a lot of Indonesian with dry skin too but...

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Food4Skin 20 : Avoskin Miraculous Refining Toner (SPONSORED)

Haiii guyss!!!! How is this already the second last month of 2019 OMG T.T... How's your year so far? Mine's definitely a rollercoaster with unbelievable highs and lows... Dan salah satu achievements aku dalam bidang kecantikan tahun ini adalah berhasil menemukan produk skin care yang sukses bikin pori-pori aku mengecil - sesuatu yang dulunya aku kira hanyalah mitos *LOL*. Gak lebay gak ngecap,...

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